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What is verification for?

2019-01-17 00:00:00

What is verification for?

Due to the increase in the number of fraudsters who want to get and use other peoples funds, a verification procedure has been introduced. Fraudsters who do not have access to the card itself, but only owning its data: inscriptions on cards, security codes, and validity period can make payments for purchases and money transfers.

Card verification on our website allows you to make sure whether you are actually making a transfer, whether you have a card in your hands. The procedure must be completed once for each new card. If you have already passed verification once and want to create more exchange requests, card verification is not required.

The card verification procedure is simple. You will need to photograph your map against the background of our website. The photo must show the application number, as well as readable: all numbers, the surname and name of the card holder. We do not ask you to provide us with card expiration dates and security codes. You can hide this data.

If your card is "momentum" and your initials are not indicated on it, we will only have to check the first and last digits on the card. But at the same time, the application must indicate the real data of the card holder. If the details in the application and in our information about the receipt of funds do not match, the application will be suspended, and you will need to contact technical support to resolve the issue.

If card verification has not been approved by you, our site will give you the reason for refusal. You can take a photo again, taking into account the reason for the refusal, or correct the details and upload the card photo again.

After you upload the map to the site, it will take about a minute to check it. You do not have to refresh the page, it will do it automatically after the operators confirm your verification.