The most popular questions about working with our exchange service.If you couldn"t find the answer to your question question, please contact us.
How did electronic money appear?

Electronic money appeared as a result of the development of the Internet and electronic payment systems. Few people have information on how exactly electronic money appeared, the main thing is that they help to develop the modern financial system and make life easier for ordinary network users.

Whats in store for Bitcoin in the future?

Cryptocurrencies, despite a rather short period of existence, have become widely known. The first virtual currency bitcoin is especially popular both among the tycoons of the financial world and among ordinary people. A significant role in the issue of demand growth was played by the fact that it is quite expensive and, unlike fiduciary banknotes, demonstrates a stable growth in the exchange rate, and is also capable of creating material values ​​even in the harsh conditions of the global economic crisis, known as the “great recession”.

Myths about electronic money

Huge trading houses, everyones favorite supermarkets, cozy stores, pharmacies, various spas, hairdressers, including online stores, are filled with a wide range of goods and services intended for potential buyers. The consumer understands that by paying for a service or product in cash, he actually makes an exchange money-goods or money-service, equivalent to their value.

Is there a payment system from ?

At one time, the launch of its own payment system by the popular social network made a lot of noise and not only in the financial world. The topic is actively discussed on the Internet on forums, in social media. networks and wherever possible today. But for two years, users hear only speculations about a new payment system. Unfortunately, the process of its creation has entered a neutral phase. Something went wrong?

What are the possibilities of electronic money?

Everyone is accustomed to traditional money as to something immutable and unchanging, because it has existed for tens of centuries. The emergence of a new currency has surprised many, especially when you consider what opportunities electronic money has. Some were delighted with them, while others - with fear, what will happen to paper bills!

Pros and cons of the Webmoney system

In the world of electronic currencies, it is important to find an experienced conductor who can guarantee the comfort and safety of transactions, storage of funds, making payments, paying for services, and so on. One of these guides is the WebMoney system, the pioneer of the Russian-speaking sector of online money transfer systems. What are the pros and cons of Webmoney? How does the system work? What points should users pay attention to?

Why did a lot of cryptocurrencies appear?

The history of alternative monetary units is rich in examples of skyrocketing popularity. Some of them were replaced by an equally significant drop. Moreover, many cryptocurrencies simply could not withstand the competition of fiat money and sank into oblivion. It can be argued that the evolution of money surrogates (as they were dubbed by the representatives of the official authorities of Russia) is a semblance of natural selection. Only certain species survive in this struggle without rules.

How to link a bank card to a Yandex Money wallet?

The Internet is a huge ocean of possibilities, and it is important to be able to sail on your intended course in order to arrive at your destination in time and comfortably. Electronic payment systems are the means of transportation in the virtual financial world. Unlike traditional banking institutions, virtual ones offer more mobile and efficient tools for making payments instantly. The result exceeds all expectations when precious time is saved with the least financial losses.