What passports are there in the Webmoney system?


2016-06-05 00:00:00:

Webmoney can be attributed to the number of universal electronic payment systems, which occupy a leading position among analogues. It is used by tens of millions of people from around the world. Its main trump card is multi-layered protection, which can maximally secure customer deposits and prevent attacks. Its popularity is so high that even those who are not among its users are aware of its existence.

WebMoney differs from other virtual payment services in many ways. The main one is the registration form. The stages that a person who wants to join the number of its users must go through is somewhat different from the methodology of other services. In addition to the traditional procedure with a login, password and obligatory SMS confirmation, you also need to pass certification and receive a virtual document - a webmoney certificate that awards the corresponding status.

Such a program is aimed not only at protecting clients funds, but also at a thorough check of the users themselves. Sometimes they joke with sarcasm about this, they say, Webmoney does not protect customers, but defends itself from them. If you understand the essence of the concept of security, you can give a decent answer to such "jokers". After all, if you make a careful selection of the likely users of the system, then those who may turn out to be potential fraudsters will not fall into their number. After all, they do not appear from the fourth dimension, but, as a rule, are the most ordinary, pretending to be decent, clients of the network. So whether extra precautions are needed or not is debatable.

What role does the WebMoney system certificate play in this? With its help, it is easy to calculate cases of illegal actions, roughly speaking, fraud, after which such a client is deprived of a certificate, and, therefore, the opportunity to stay online. Its identification data is not deleted, but stored to prevent a repeated attempt to become a member of the WebMoney service.


Virtual documents of WebMoney users

To prove your affiliation with the service, you need to have a WebMoney system certificate. The payment network has an Attestation Center, which is equipped with a program for issuing certificates of client belonging to this network. There are several types and types of certificates.

Any person starts logging into the system with a regular registration, in WebMoney this happens in the same way (invented individual login and unique password). The first step to the network is accompanied by the automatic receipt of a pseudonym passport. Some time ago with such a certificate it was possible to become a user. But in order to increase security, the requirements have become more stringent, and now it has become mandatory to pass identification. The first step to the system is getting a free formal webmoney passport.

The client has the right to decide independently who will have the right to access his personal data, whether this viewing will be general or exclusively for the administration of the service. The first option is usually used by people doing business. In a relationship with a partner, it is better to exchange personal data with him. Thus, it is advisable to define a limited circle of users and make personal information public for them.

The next step up the status ladder is a personal webmoney passport. To "pass the exam" to receive it, you need to send the details of your passport and identification code for verification. The client himself chooses the Registrar who will produce it. This service is paid: $ 5. You can submit your documents in person, but for this you need to come directly to the office of the Certification Center. To deliver a package of personal data to the Registrar, you can use mail, but in this case, you will need a notarys certification of the authenticity of the documents submitted. A personal passport is issued to the client in the event that there are no claims after verification.

Each certificate corresponds to the status of the user, depending on the level of the obtained webmoney passport. If the user has a personal passport, he has the following options:

  • To be a participant in solving issues of the credit exchange.
  • To make a practical contribution to the construction of the budget machines of the Capitaller network.
  • Formulate your requests and publish them in the sections of the Megastock catalog.
  • Advise other members of the WebMoney system.
  • Use the affiliate program, conduct activities to attract new users.
  • Prepare news about Webmoney activities for publication, for this use network resources.
  • Use a simplified option to update the service ID control.
  • Create your own trading platforms.
  • Get out of controversial situations with the help of Arbitration.

If the user applies for a higher level, which will significantly expand his capabilities, he needs an initial webmoney passport.

Heres what he will have with this level testimony:

  1. The permissive sizes of transactions of virtual Russian rubles through WebMoney are significantly increasing.
  2. Higher limits are provided for transactions with virtual US dollars. When withdrawing to a bank card, the minimum commission percentage is charged.
  3. This webmoney system certificate gives the right to use the budget machine.

In addition to these privileges, all those that exist for the previous statuses are preserved.


Identification instead of confidentiality

The privacy of the user can not always be considered an advantage in which all his personal data are kept secret. As it turned out, in practice, this moment has quite serious negative consequences. They are especially evident in business. Confidentiality is sometimes not used for the most noble purposes. It is a kind of loophole for fraudsters to whom a businessman entrusts his funds without knowing the real name of the recipient. When the webmoney pseudonym passport was in effect, and the client had the right to remain incognito, the incidence of dishonest clients on the network increased noticeably. Because of this, many entrepreneurs began to leave the system in order not to put their business at risk.

The experts of the WebMoney system came to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the service strategy. So, in the Certification Center, it was decided to change the mechanism for obtaining a webmoney certificate. Now the pseudo-certificate began to play a symbolic role, being only a link in the receipt of the next certificate on the list. This is the formal webmoney passport.

The owner of a document of this level can use the following services, which are very limited in comparison with higher level certificates:

  • Input and output of electronic currency.
  • To enter virtual US dollars, use the WebMoney co-branding card.
  • Has the right to create Ukiah vouchers.
  • Exchange, withdraw and enter WebMoney through exchange exchanges.
  • Attach bank cards to the WebMoney electronic wallet.

Without a formal passport, you cannot proceed to obtaining an initial webmoney passport.

This type of document is considered more status, because with it the clients powers are even more extended. Although in this case, costs are allowed in terms of the fact that some users contrive and issue it to clients who have nothing to do with it. It is important to know that in order to obtain a certificate of a higher rank, an initial certificate is not required.

Next comes the personal webmoney passport. Few have it, but with it the client has the widest range of actions. After all, a large businessman needs the ability to conduct transactions with large amounts of electronic money. And if he does not have a certificate that increases the limits, his business will not be able to develop effectively. Obtaining this webmoney system certificate will allow its owner to resolve difficult issues, including in litigation.

In total, there are 12 certificates in the WebMoney system, in addition to those listed, there is also a Sellers certificate. It is issued free of charge, it is a kind of add-on over the personal certificate. A client with such a document has his own resource for receiving transactions.

The certificate of the webmoney system of the Settlement machine is needed for legal entities to access the automated system in order to enter / withdraw electronic currency.

The Capitaller Passport and the Developer Passport are also add-ons to the personal certificate that simplify some of the functions of the main document.

Registrars Certificate - it is also a system notary who participates in checks of personal data of clients.

Among these types, the Registrars certificate occupies a special place, it has the highest rank. The registrar is allowed unlimited limits for conducting monetary transactions with insignificant commissions. The owner of the highest webmoney certificate can apply for the position of the Arbitrator. With all the advantages, the Registrar also has high requirements in terms of compliance with all regulations. For an inaccuracy, you can lose your passport along with the amount of the deposit. To obtain this document, you must have the following grounds:

  • The presence of a personal webmoney passport.
  • Be a WebMoney user for at least one year.
  • Post a deposit of two thousand
  • Age 25 and above.

On the Webmoney service, sometimes you have to solve specific problems, for this you need to own the appropriate certificates:

  • Service certificate for building an exclusive model, which is necessary for a certain type of business.
  • Operator - this passport belongs to Webmoney Transfer Ltd.
  • Guarantor - to fulfill the requirements of the owners of WebMoney electronic wallets.


Scope of application of certificates

The creator of such a unique payment system is grateful not only to businessmen, but also to ordinary citizens who are engaged in remote types of work. There are many payments in the virtual financial marketplace. But such a scale as WebMoney no longer exists. Only this network has such a wide range of services, a huge list of used equivalents of national currencies. There are many countries where only this system works.

After the business sphere, this service is most widely used in the relationship between the employer and the contractor in freelancing (remote work). Thanks to the universal system, you can instantly send payments from one country to any other country in the world. And this is the main condition for success in this type of work.

Depending on the scale of financial activity, the network user chooses an acceptable status for himself, which is confirmed by the appropriate type of certificate.

If it seems to someone that the preparation of such a document takes too much time and adds extra hassle, then in fact everything is justified. After all, a WebMoney client has a reliable security system and can count on additional services and an increase in limits.

It is enough to have a formal webmoney passport for a client who is satisfied with the allowable volumes for making money transfers. With this certificate, you can independently decide on access to your personal data.

The initial webmoney passport gives the right to open several e-wallets and attach them to this document.

What is the certificate, so are the capabilities of the user. The certification is carried out in order to identify clients of the WebMoney service, prevent illegal actions, get rid of unreliable clients. Thus, we can state the fact that the WebMoney payment system provides clients with instruments for financial transactions and treats them in a differentiated manner. This process involves the users themselves, who define their own level, which they consider sufficient for their field of activity.