Why Do We Need Smart-Contracts? What Shall We Expect from Smart-Contracts?


Smart-contracts based on blockchain technology are often up against specific problems. Michael Mainelli and Bob McDowell

Linked Together


It is a fair assumption to say that Bitcoin was, is and will likely be the best blockchain regardless the amount of funds in the wallet.

Causes of credit fraud boost in 2015 and methods of its prevention


Modern frauds impress with the scale of their fantasy. They continuously create new and improve existing methods of extortion.

New Tandem of Czech Bitcoiners


Establishing conglomerates and periodic takeover of smaller companies by larger players are typical phenomena in financial world. Bitcoin-world is not an exception.

Financial Pyramids: Negative Experience of the Past


Cupidity is one of the deadly sins. However, religious dogmata do not stand on the way of various crooks who forget about decency in chase of profit.

Problems of Bitcoin Development in Islamic World


The money does not stink! Well, almost everybody knows this historical saying of Ancient Rome Emperor Vespasian. Getting into the essence of money is not easy.

Stealing Money from Bank Cards: New Methods


Today’s post must be used for bank cards’ protection and should help you avoid unauthorized access to your funds.

Why Should You Buy Bitcoin? (Relevant Forecast from Mark Heart)


Many of you have probably watched much-talked-of movie “The Big Short”, scenario of which is based on real events. The character Michael Burry predicts a mortgage crisis that took place in the USA in 2006 - 2007.